


The Schiff (Shifu, Sif)
They're all black robed, with green eyes, and created through Amshel's personal research by Dr. Boris on chiropteras. They were created as prototypes for the Corpse Corps. However they are an unstable balance between Chevaliers & Chiroptera, and if they do not continue to drink human blood 'Thorn' will spread until it crystallizes them. However unlike Chevaliers & Chiroptera, they cannot go out into direct sunlight,without being crystallized, and engulfed in a green flame. They believed that Saya's blood would cure the 'Thorn', however it was Diva's blood that had created them, so when Saya's blood came in contact with one of them, they were crystalized. At this point the outcome of Diva's blood is unknown.

Cinq Flèches (Five Arrows) Group (Goldsmiths)
Interestingly enough the names of the five brothers (Amshel, Solomon, Karl, James & Nathan) are modelled after Mayer Amschel Rothschild's family, as is the family crest. Anyways Goldsmiths are a branch of the Goldshmidt family.

The Red Shield (Goldschmidts)
Is founded sometime after Joel I was killed by Diva, in 1883. It was created to pursue and destroy Diva. In 2002, Joel VI becomes head of the Red Shield. In 2006, Diva and her Chevalier Karl attack it's headquarters. The command ship is destroyed and then The Red Shield is disbanded.

The Chiroptera
The Chiroptera are bat-like creatures. Where they originated from is unknown. They possess superhuman strength, speed and are able to regenerate. Also they can morph their arms into wings if need be. The only way to kill them is for Saya to mix her blood with theirs.

Corpse Corps
The completed version of The Schiff, using "Type-M", and the genetic template of Moses. They've been created in order to destroy Chiropterans. This was displayed publically after they created Chiropterans, via free candy bars at Diva's concert in New York.